The Very Rev’d. Seth Jonathan Sackey, immediate Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Most Holy Trinity, has commended the Anglican Men’s’ Fellowship (AMF) Cathedral Chapter, for its role in ensuring that the commitment of the Diocese in its drive towards Evangelism is realized.
He was speaking at a ceremony organized by the Cathedral Chapter of the AMF to raise funds for the St. Sylvester Church at Manhean, in the Ga West Community at the Centenary Hall of the Cathedral Church of the Most Holy Trinity.
The Very Rev’d. Seth Sackey, who with his wife were Special Guests at the event announced that after several efforts, documentation had finally been procured granting title to the land on which the foundation of the church had been laid at Oboden, Manhean.
Although the sod-cut had been done in 2016 for the start of the project, massive encroachment and litigation on the land stalled any significant development. He was therefore happy that the Men’s Fellowship had come on board with a firm commitment.
In the Diocesan programme of the AMF, each chapter has the responsibility to organized a fund raising event at least once in every two years, in aid of a specific project in the Diocese.
The Cathedral Chapter has chosen Manhean as its project and in his welcome address, the President of the Chapter, Bro. Sam Bannerman-Bruce, said the proceeds of the fund raising and subsequent events would contribute positively towards building on the foundation of the Church so that the Anglican Church could establish a firm basis in those growing communities.
The Precentor of the Cathedral, Rev’d. Canon Vincent Attoh, who doubles as the Diocesan Chaplain of eh Anglican Men’s’ Fellowship, emphasized the need for the Fellowship to improve on its membership drive, capitalizing mainly on the adult membership of the AYPA.
The function was chaired by Bro. Sammy Abbey of the Cathedral Chapter who also called for greater co-ordination, especially among the various chapters and the Guilds and Associations of the Church for the growth of the Anglican faith.
As a parting gift to the Dean and his wife, the Cathedral Chapter presented the couple with an enlarged pencil sketch of their picture.
The event was graced with the presence of the Diocesan president of the Anglican Men’s Fellowship, Bro. Abraham Sackey, some members of the Diocesan Council and Chapter representatives.
By Brother Bernard Aggrey – Secretary