+233 30 266 3595 info@adoa.org.gh

What is Novel Coronavirus (2019 –nCoV)?

It is a new form of human coronavirus infection that is associated with respiratory illness and is characterized by fever (high body temperature), cough, breathing difficulties, sore throat or runny nose.

Severe forms of the illness may cause pneumonia, kidney failure and death.

Sign & Symptoms

Typically respiratory symptoms including

Breathing Difficulties
Sore Throat
Runny Nose, etc

How are Coronaviruses spread?

Human coronavirus are usually spread through;

Droplets (coughing and sneezing)
Close personal unprotected contacts with an infected person (touching or shaking hands) or animal.

Who can be infected?

Everyone is at risk of getting the coronavirus infection, especially those who just returned to Ghana from any of the affected countries declared by World Health Organisation.

How Can You Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus infection?

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap under running water
  2. Use alcohol hand rub when your hands are not visibly dirty
  3. Keep a distance of at least one step (1 metre) from a person showing signs of fever, cough and difficulty breathing
  4. Do not touch eye, mouth or nose with unwashed hands
  5. Thoroughly cook meat and eggs
  6. Be physically active, eat well, drink plenty of fluids, reduce stress and have enough sleep.

NB: Seek immediate Medical Help if infection is Suspected or Symptoms Occur!!

What preventive measures has Ghana put in place?

Alert messages and guidance information on the outbreak of the disease have been sent to all regions.

Screening activities have been enhanced at points of entry especially the Kotoka International Airport and health facilities.