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Cathedral Men’s Fellowship raises funds for St Sylvester Manhean

The Very Rev’d. Seth Jonathan Sackey, immediate Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Most Holy Trinity, has commended the Anglican Men’s’ Fellowship (AMF) Cathedral Chapter, for its role in ensuring that the commitment of the Diocese in its drive towards Evangelism is...
71 Parishners graduate from Ministerial Training School

71 Parishners graduate from Ministerial Training School

The Diocesan Ministerial Training School (DMTS) Osu, has successfully graduated 71 parishioners into the various departments of the church. The graduates consisted of 14 Lay Pastors, 48 Lay readers, 3 Music Masters and 6 Sunday School Teachers. The 22nd graduation...
Unite in love to build the Church

Unite in love to build the Church

The new Archdeacon of Accra West Archdeaconry, Venerable John Antonio Tello Nelson has called on the members of the Anglican community to bind themselves together in order to put the church on a higher pedestal. He said Christians must work together to accomplish the...